


Social Self Driving S.r.l.

Is an italian innovative startup founded on 23rd July 2021 and located in the Startup Incubator ComoNext.

Luigi Mazzola

Chief Technology Officer & Co-founder

Member of the Ferrari Formula 1 Team from 1988 to 2009, when he contributes to the victory of 14 world championships.

Today he is engineer consultant, emotional testimonial, executive coach and business trainer in leadership.

Guido Ciapponi

Administrator & Co-founder

Digital Marketing and lead generation expert, with particular focus on Automotive and emotional intelligence applied to marketing and sales.

Francesco Zanazzi

Public Relations Officer & Co-founder

E-commerce and strategic consultant in digital business, manager in digital transformation and software development.

Contact us

  • Fill out the form with your data to receive the presentation of Social Self Driving.
  • Opportunity reserved to institutional investors, companies operating in the automotive field and companies already involved in the development of self driving systems.